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杨宝儿 我家是卖餐饮用具菜板的,肉档口换砧板的频率越来越低了证明人们对于吃的这块也开始省钱了,何况其他产业。。 5-2·广西

芝士蛋糕好吃 我家是回收水果框子的然后再进行加工现在框子变少了说明吃水果的人都变少了大家都买不起水果了 5-4·湖北

J 纺织厂女工表示,今年还不如前两年疫情刚爆发的时候生意好,现在好多好多纺织工人在失业。我们这个行业因为疫情封闭三年,订单都去东南亚了,这边的出口订单很少很少了 5-3·江苏

有恃毋恐 是真的,东西不好卖,也卖不上价。我经常去的理发店过了年跟我说客人少了百分之60最少。我卖水果的,以前这个天气一个上午光哈密瓜最少200个,100个西瓜,现在个上午哈密瓜加西瓜都卖不了50个,进货价还涨,差距太大。我都嫌贵,进货价涨了,卖不上价不挣钱? 5-2·湖南

777K 差的要死,21年我家做生意还挺挣钱的我爹妈做几十年生意就属今年最差去年不挣也没亏今年一直亏本 5-2·河南

李潇慧 是的演出行业比封控的时候还差我们这边已经很明显了活儿不多要求变高了给的反而到不多了 5-2·北京

花泽大白菜 我们这美食一条街,疫情的时候生意还不错,现在直接大面积关店 5-2·山西

K~ 理发店都这样了吗?我们这些做鞋服的更没法过了。现在太难了不做吧没收入要吃饭,做吧,挣不着钱,不知道该干嘛了 5-2陕西

等等等 是的,我是做直播的,真的,直播间认识很多年的很多大哥,几乎没什么赚钱的,大多数都退了 5-3·河北

中龙石岛岛主 差非常多,比如我往年店铺营业额每月是十万,今年都是两三万左右另利了,营业额就这么点 5-2·广西

My family recycles fruit boxes and processes them. Now there are fewer boxes, which means that fewer people are eating fruits, and everyone can't afford them. (5-4, Hubei)

Female workers in textile factories say that this year is worse than the first two years when the epidemic broke out. Many textile workers are now unemployed. Our industry has been closed for three years due to the epidemic, and orders have all gone to Southeast Asia. Export orders here are very few. (5-3, Jiangsu)

It's true that things are not selling well, and they are not selling at a good price. The hair salon I often go to told me after the New Year that they had 60% fewer customers. I sell fruit. In the past, on a morning with this weather, I would sell at least 200 cantaloupes and 100 watermelons. Now I can't even sell 50 of both in a morning, and the purchase price has gone up. The gap is too big. I find it too expensive. The purchase price has gone up, but I can't sell it at a good price and make money. (5-2, Hunan)

It's terrible. In 2021, my family's business was making a lot of money, but my parents have been in business for decades and this year is the worst. They didn't make a profit last year, and they have been losing money this year. (5-2, Henan)

The performance industry is worse than when it was closed. It's very obvious here that there is not much work, but the requirements are higher, and the pay is not much. (5-2, Beijing)

There is a food street. During the epidemic, business was still good, but now many stores are directly closing. (5-2, Shanxi)

Are hair salons like this too? Those of us who make shoes and clothes are even worse off. It's too difficult now. If we don't work, we have no income and can't eat. If we work, we can't make money. I don't know what to do. (5-2, Shaanxi)

Yes, I do live streaming. Really, I know many big brothers in the live streaming room for many years, and almost no one is making money. Most of them have quit. (5-3, Hebei)

It's much worse. For example, my store's monthly turnover in previous years was 100,000 yuan, but this year it's only around 20-30,000 yuan. The profit is gone, and the turnover is so low. (5-2, Guangxi)