2017年5月24日郭文贵与中国国家安全部纪委书记刘彦平纽约会议文字记录。Transcript of the New York Meeting on May 24 , 2017 between Guo Wengui and Liu Yanping, Secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection at the PRC Ministry of State Security.
我问是不是孙力军要来,确实要来,干什么来?今天我可以实话跟你说,今天到华盛顿,为什么呢?因为习主席到美国来,到海普庄园和川普总统两个人会谈,定了四个安全 战略的对话,大概应该是在6月下旬,应该中美双方有一个网络安全高层对话第一个对话要开始了,是6月上旬,可能6月上旬,是外交安全的战略对话。
LIU: I’m telling you, “Who ever caused the problem must fix it.”Let’s walk down the path and find a way out. This is better than anything else. I called you yesterday. You told me that Sun Lijun (Translator’s Note: SunLijun is a deputy minister of thePublic Security at the time,China’s police authority) was inthe U.S. and you wanted me tocheck it out. When I got backyesterday, the first thing I didafter dinner was to contact Beijing. I asked if Sun Lijun wascoming. Yes, he is coming to theU.S. indeed. What is he comingfor? I can be honest with youtoday. The reason why he iscoming to Washington DC is that President Xi is about tocome to the U.S. He will go tothe Mar-a-Lago Resort to meet President Trump and have four dialogues on strategic security issues. Probably around late June, there will be a Sino-US dialogue on cybersecurity among the senior leaders. The first dialogue is about to start in the first half of June, maybeearly June. It will be a strategic dialogue on diplomatic security.The second one will be oncybersecurity. So, he is comingto Washington to act as anadvance party for the Sino-US cybersecurity dialogue between the Chinese and the US senior leaders. I said okay, if this is thecase I will give Sun Lijun a call.So I called him and I said,“When are you arriving?” Hesaid “Tomorrow.” So he shouldbe arriving in Washington DCaround 1 or 2 p.m. today. I said,“I will be there about the sametime.” He said, “Big brother,thanks for working so hard, let’smeet up.” I said, “Sure. I happento go to say hello toAmbassador Cui, because heinvited me here.” When Lijun arrives, he will likely attend meetings in the evening with theU.S. side to talk issues related to the cybersecurity dialogue.When he arrives, I will tell you.Primarily it is the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) responsible for the dialogue. Within the MIIT there is a cybersecurity department. In addition there willbe the Cybersecurity Bureau ofthe Ministry of State Security,mainly these 2 or 3 agencies, tohold talks focusing on thissubject. I said, “Let’s havedinner together.” He agreed. Isaid, “Good. I happen to come tomorrow and see you then”.Today is the 24th. Tomorrow isthe 25th. We have booked thetrain tickets to go to WashingtonDC tomorrow. We may not beable to see him tomorrow because he’s going to focus ontalking with the Americans tomorrow to discuss mainly cybersecurity. So we areprobably going to meet the dayafter tomorrow. After that, on the27th I will come back from Washington DC. We’d like toknow if you have other people inaddition to your wife, daughter and son. What I mean is, let’sleave other topics aside todayand put off the heavy topics.Your whole family is here now,so let’s talk about how we canfind a way out in the end. Youcan’t go on like this forever. Totell the truth, I’m worried aboutyou. I have told you this in theUK. I also said it to Qingzhi(Translator’s Note: Qingzhi Yueis Guo Wengui’s wife) and GuoMei (Translator’s Note: QingzhiYue is Guo Wengui’s daughter )at your place. I’m really putting myself in your shoes and thinking for you. You asked meto think from your perspective,to consider your family and GuoLijie. I did. There are 16 peopledetained, including the employees. The only family member is your niece, Guo Lijie.Ma Jian (Translator’s note: MaJian was a former Vice Ministerof State Security and was putunder investigation forcorruption In January 2015) hasbroken a huge taboo -- illicit useof certain means and tricks -- abig taboo in this industry. Doyou understand? His disciplinary violations and even illegalactivities, all of which are carvedin stone. In addition, you said hehad worked for you. Anotherthing, let’s set other issuesaside, Ma helped you becauseyou made contributions for thecountry, and not because he didyou favors. In other words, MaJian has done things for you,not because he was doing youpersonal favors but becauseyou contributed to the countryso he wanted to help you out.These are all appropriate.This can be solved through civilprocedures. There isn’t anypoint that criminal procedures must be used, is there?Therefore to solve all of theseissues, I have one suggestionfor you: go forward along thecivil procedure path, which Ithink will run very smoothly. If,despite what I pointed out toyou, you insist to deviate fromthe path, like a horse pulling acart in the wrong direction than other horses, that would bereally bad. Do you understand me? I have absolute confidence in you. This is what I want to saytoday. As far as other issues isconcerned, we can talk aboutthem when I come back from Washington DC. Okay?
郭: 好
Guo: Okay.
刘: 有些问题它不是说非要通过刑事来解决, 它不是说全都触犯了刑法全是刑罚,就有些通过民事就可以来沟通来协调解决的,你包括现在有些债权人要起诉这些都可以和解,都可以调整。你包括,文贵我跟你说,就是你说什么你告李友那个,你说了李友那 11 项罪,要判四年半,谁说的要判你四年半了,我说了吗?你怎么就没闹明白了?就好多事你真得好好想一想,现在不是那么回事。就经济案子你就经济来解决,你总是说后边谁说的他们怎么商量的,怎么开的会,我就说你那个信息到底是不是真的?
Liu: Some issues don’tnecessarily have to be settledthrough criminal procedure. Notall of them have violatedcriminal law and have to bepunished with criminal penalties.Some of them can be resolvedthrough mediation and reconciliation in civil procedures.This includes cases brought upby some of your creditors, all ofwhich can be reconciled andsolved. Wengui, I’m telling yousomething about your lawsuitagainst Li You, in which yousaid that he was accused of 11crimes. He received a sentenceof 4 years and a half. Who’sthere to say that you will behanded down the samesentence? Did I say that? Whycan’t you figure it out? Youseriously need to think manythings through. This is not thecase now. Economic cases areto be solved economically. Youalways say someone conspiredagainst you, and how they metand discussed the issue behindyour back. I have to ask, is yourinformation real or false?
郭: 我到现在没有一样信息是假的, 没有一件是错的,你能给我说出一件是错的,能说吗?
Guo: So far none of myinformation is fake. Nothing iswrong. Are you able to give mean example of a fake one?
刘: 我就别再跟你说了,我要再跟你说多了,你这话更多,知道了吗?你就是现在我老觉得有点一条道路跑到黑。
Liu: I shall stop talking now. If Ikeep on talking, you will keep onreplying. Am I right? I think nowyou’re like stubbornly driving acar to a dead end road.
郭: 不是,我跟你说书记,现在北京的行动是三个方案, 你在这块现在是咱们谈,谈成是个方案, 华盛顿谈不成,一个政治交易,不惜代价的交易方案第三个,后面还有一套这个桌子底下方案,我都知道,今天书记,您先说的轻松点我也给你单刀直入,我也有三套方案。
Guo: No, I’m telling you,Secretary. Beijing has come upwith three options. Ournegotiation is one of the options.It will be a successful one if wemake a deal. If it fails, you maygo to make a political deal withthe government in Washington.As for the third option, you would make a deal under thetable to eliminate me at all cost.I know all of them. Today,Secretary, if you want to do it inthe easy way, I will be straight forward too. I also havethree options in mind.
刘: 你再把三套方案跟我说说。
Liu: Tell me about your threeoptions.
郭: 我也有三套方案,一套你给我谈成。
Guo: I also have three options.The first option is that you and Ireach an agreement.
刘: 咱俩谈成 Liu: a successful negotiation.
郭: 谈成是一套方案,同时华盛顿做好了不惜代价的交易,把我弄回去的方案,第三个还有一个私下里边的黑方案,这三套方案,一共三套方案。 我相信,你不能让我只... 我当然相信了我相信这三套方案,我也面对这三套,我也有三套方案,书记。
Guo: The other one is to make adeal with Washington to get meback at all costs. The third oneis a dark operation under thetable. These are the threeoptions of the Chinesegovernment. Three options in total. I trust you. You can’t makeme... Of course I trust you. Ibelieve in these three options.To counter these three plans, Ialso have three options myself,Secretary.
刘: 你说说你的三套方案
Liu: Tell me about your options.
郭: 很简单,昨天你们离开以后,FBI,CIA都来找我,给我两个选择,现在开始,郭文贵任何时间,只要你一个电话,你告诉门口的人你就是得到美国最特殊保护方案。原来电话我跟你说了,我今天也正式跟你们说,只要你没有任何一个叫我感觉到(安全的方案),我就马上给他们打电话,这是你们办的,不是我做的这是党和国家把我推向了那边,我就接受吧那没办法了,是不是?说实话那我就分分钟就做这个(与FBI合作),这是一、第二个,我也有一个方案,刚才您说那个什么法律问题,您说的我全都不接受。
Guo: Very simple. After you left yesterday, FBI and CIA both came to me and offered me twochoices. “ From now on, Guo Wengui, at any time, you justneed to make a phone call andtell the men at the door, you willenjoy America’s most special protection program.” I told youthis on the phone. I’m alsotelling you officially today. In thevery moment I won’t feel right, Iwill immediately make the call. Itis you that force me to take thatpath. It’s the party and the country that push me to thatside. I just accept it. There’s noother way, is there? To be frank,I can take that offer quickly.These are my first and second options. I also have a third option. I cannot accept any ofthe so called legal issues you just talked about.
刘: 什么?
Liu: What?
郭: 我全都不接受。
Guo: I don’t accept any of them.
刘: 哪个事? Liu: Which matter?
郭: 刚才您说的什么法律什么的,我当然不接受了,因为现在你跟我,咱们谈的最大的基础上(注:释放家人、员工,反还资产,撤销红通),这基础是不变了,王岐山和孟建柱是腐败分子,他抓的腐败人,他就是有问题的,傅政华收了钱是天经地义,大家都知道的,你不但不查还让他坐主席台上去,你让我相信这个体制这个国家在反腐败,这不是笑话吗?这不是把我当傻子了吗?全人类都知道的事,难道我要去验证吗?第二我要说这个,我不接受,因为这个本身就是个政治事件,不是我一个人说的,有太多的人都知道了,第三件事情,我也有一个方案,就刚才那我绝不接受。
Guo: The so called legal matters you just talked about. Of course,I won’t accept them. Becausethe base of what we arenegotiating should remain thesame. Wang Qishan(Translator’s Note: WangQishan was the secretary of TheCentral Commission forDiscipline Inspection at the time,and now serves as the vice-president of China) and MengJianzhu (Translator’s noate:Meng Jianzhu was the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China at the time) arecorrupt figures. It is problematicfor them to arrest other corrupt officials. It’s totally unacceptable for Fu Zhenghua (Translator’snote: Fu Zhenghua was a viceminister of PRC Ministry ofPublic Security at the time) totake bribes. Everyone knowsthat. No one investigates him,moreover you put him to sit atthe Rostrum. Isn’t it ridiculousthat you ask me to trust asystem and a country cracking down on corruption? Aren’t youtreating me like an idiot? Thewhole world knows it. Do I needto prove it? Second, I want tosay, I don’t accept this, becausethis is a political issue itself. I’mnot the only one who says soand a lot of people know it.Third, I also have a plan. Idefinitely won’t accept what youjust offered.
刘: 我觉得我的说法和你相近,你说什么后两条?什么政治交易?什么桌子下黑色的手段?我不清楚。
Liu: I think my words are similarto his. The latter two youmentioned, the political deal,and the dirty tricks under thetable, I know nothing aboutthem.
郭: 这就是我想知道您的话,咱们的国家和党内的同志向来以这种招对付一切人,这事跟我没关系,我不知道,我看得太多了。
Guo: I just want to hear thatfrom you. Our country and partyofficials always use those tricksto deal with everyone. If this hasnothing to do with me, I don’tknow, but I’ve seen too much.
刘: 你听我给你讲,我了解的和组织上跟我讲的就是这套方案,把你劝走。
Liu: Listen to me. As far as Iknow, and the Party’s instructionto me is to persuade you toreturn home. This is the onlyplan.
郭: 您说的我都听,我也信,但是我今天给您最好的 我就是实话实说。
Guo: I am willing to listen to youand trust your words. But todaythe best I can offer you ishonesty. Sun Lijun is coming tothe U.S. and I know what he ishere for. But you haven’t toldme. You probably didn’t expectthat the US government told meSun Lijun came to the U.S. lasttime. I know he came last time. Iknow what his purpose was. Iknow whom he spoke to. TheUS government told meeverything.
刘: 要不然你们俩人见见?
Liu: Why don’t you two meet?
郭: 我不跟他见,我跟他见什么面,我俩见再打起来,他凭啥老害我,我跟他什么仇孙力军同志的犯罪,早晚一天人民跟他清算的,我知道他孙力军可不是一点半点,我们可以试试,我这明人不做暗事,你可以告诉他 。
Guo: I won’t meet him. Whyshould I do that? We will fight ifwe meet. On what ground doeshe always want to destroy me? Idon’t have any enmity againsthim. As far as the crimes hecommitted, the people will settleaccounts with him. I know a lotabout Sun Lijun. We can give ita try. An honest man doesn’t doanything in secrecy. You can tellhim about this.
刘: 你听我跟你说。
Liu: Listen to me
郭: 他要不然把我宰了,要不然我一定跟他玩一把!
Guo: Either he kills me, or I willplay with him.
刘: 文贵,这个我说。
Liu: Wengui, I think...
郭: 他玩明星,玩董卿,干这个干那个的,装神弄鬼的在那,招摇撞骗,披着人民警察,污浊这身衣裳。
Guo: He has been dallying withcelebrities and Dong Qing(Translator’s note: Dong Qing isa Chinese television host).Fucked this girl and that one. Heswaggers around and deceivespeople. He has done manynasty things in the name of thepeople’s police. He shames hisuniform.
刘: 文贵,我说你这还是冷静,我觉得昨天曹先生你们两个人谈的心情好了,但是这些人,员工的问题。
Liu: Wengui, you should calmdown. I think your talk with Mr.Cao (Translator’s note: Mr.Cao is Cao Qifeng, aka SilasChou, is a billionaire from HongKong who used to own MichaelKors, and he has served as ago-between for the Chinesegovernment and Mr. Guo)yesterday made you feel better.But the issue of theseemployees...
郭: 我从今天不再跟你谈员工的问题。
Guo: I won’t talk to you aboutmy employees from now on.
刘: 不是,你听我说完,员工的问题,你个人的名誉的问题。
Liu: No. Hear me out. Theemployees, your personalreputation...
郭: 我个人名誉,我也不再跟你谈这个问题。
Guo: I won’t talk to you aboutmy personal reputation anymoreeither.
刘: 我也能理解吗,但是会有个什事就是说这个事儿,刚才你也说了郭 美,还有郭强。
Liu: I can understand this too.But if we have an issue weshould talk about it... you alsomentioned Guo Mei and GuoQiang(translator’s note: son ofGuo Wengui)...
郭: 您觉得郭美和庆芝是能自由进出吗?
Guo: Do you think that Guo Meiand Qingzhi can travel freely inand out of China?
刘: 我觉得可以。
Liu: I think so.
郭: 谁来说保证这事? Guo: Who can guarantee this?刘: 我来给你保证。
Liu: I can郭: 好,郭强,郭美,庆芝这三人都想自由出入, 我希望得到您一个法律上认可,就让他们自由出入,不管我发生什么事情,如果这个国家这个党愿意向全世界人证明你们是,我就相信刘书记的。
Guo: Okay. Guo Qiang, GuoMei and Qingzhi all want freeentry and exit. I hope to get alegal approval from you. You willlet them enter and leave Chinawhenever they want, no matterwhat happens to me. If thiscountry and this party are willingto show the whole world that ...Itrust Secretary Liu.
刘: 你听我说完。
Liu: Hear me out.
郭: 我需要文字的东西。
Guo: I need some writtenconfirmation.
刘: 你看,你听我跟你讲,我跟你说,文字的东西,我回去以后,因为郭美给了我一个文字的东西,给我个承诺书,说 20天。
我倒觉得 20 天并非就是一个硬性的一个受限,这是我和郭美我们两个人个人谈的。
她这个东西仅仅给了我,我这个东西就在我手里拿着,我没有交给任何人,明白了吗?这是郭美给刘伯伯的一个承诺,明白我意思了吗?她 20 天左右和她母亲回去看爷爷奶奶。
昨天我也跟你讲了说岳庆芝、郭美到美国来和你团聚, 你们全家人在一起团聚,这似乎是我在做什么其他的文章,昨天我对这个事儿已经做了一个说明。这个事是什么?我昨天就说了,因为那个事儿当时,你在吗?小胡?
Liu: Listen to me. I will prepare the written documents when I goback to China. Guo Mei gaveme a pledge letter and she promised to return to China in20 days. I don’t think 20 days isa rigid limit. Guo Mei and Idiscussed this matter privately.She gave that letter to me only.It is in my hand now. I have notshared with anyone. Do you understand? So this is apromise Guo Mei made to UncleLiu. Do you understand what I mean? She will go back toChina to visit her grandparentswith her mother in about 20days. So, If we can make some progress by then, the problem ofGuo Lijie will also be solved,and the grandparents are beingtaken care of at home, she willcome back to reunite with you. Ithink this is appropriate. I toldyou yesterday. I arranged YueQingzhi and Guo Mei to the USto reunite with you. Your wholefamily will stay together. It seemed that I have a hiddenagenda. I already explained ityesterday. What was it? I explained it yesterday that...Were you there, Little Hu(Translator’s note: Little Hu isone of security officials of LiuYanping’s team)?
Hu: Yes.
Liu: Right? The three of us wentto their home. We brought it upin our conversation, one topicafter another.
Guo: Yes. I know this. AboutGuo Lijie, I want to say...
Liu: Hear me out first.
Guo: For Guo Lijie, because youpromised me before. I’m anhonest man who won't doanything in secrecy. If Guo Lijiehasn’t been released by thetime you come over, I willwhistle blow once on MengJianzhu and Wang Qishan. Ineed to do it again. As I said, Iwill be ready to revealinformation about them anytime.Why? If Guo Lijie is not allowed to be released because of WangQishan’s and Meng Jianzhu’sdecision, I will have to exposethem one more time.
Liu: No, no. Listen to me. If youdo this, you will be over. You aregoing to the opposite direction.
Guo: Secretary, I’m telling youmy innermost thoughts. What Itell you today comes from thebottom of my heart. Through thisphone call today, through theseincidents, I have given up anydemands for my employees,including Guo Lijie. I have givenup. I have given up myreputation. I don’t want itanymore.
Liu:Wengui, this is a differentmatter.
Guo: I don’t want themanymore.
Liu: The release of Guo Lijie hasnothing to do with the twoleaders, Wang Qishan andMeng Jianzhu.
郭:我非常了解,今天有人跟我 Guo: I know it very well.
Someone told me today. Hesaid, “Please believe inSecretary Liu Yanping. He istrying his best to get Guo Lijieout. This is a decision made byMeng and Wang.” So I’m verygrateful to you personally. I wastold that you made a huge effortto get it done. You’ve suggestedthe release of Guo Lijie manytimes before. But no onelistened to you. I feel very badthat I have put you into suchtrouble. But I’m telling youtoday. I call you Secretary Liu. Iam here talking to the bossesbehind you.
Liu: No. Listen to me. Let’s putthis thing aside.
Guo:I will fail them if I don’t do itonce.
Liu: No, hear me out. YueQingzhi and Guo Mei are toreturn on time. That’s what Ihope. They’ll return to China asagreed.
郭:当然,我需要得到您一个 文字的承诺,他仨都可以自由进出,随时无条件进出,郭强也要回去,他要看他爷爷奶奶去。
Guo: Of course. I need a writtenpromise from you that the threeof them can all enter and exit
China freely. Anytime,unconditionally. Guo Qiang mustgo back too. He wants to visithis grandparents.
Liu: Let me tell you. What it isthis? Let me leave this aside fornow. This is your family matter. Ipromise you that the three ofthem could go back and leaveChina anytime. This is not amatter of principle. All of thesethings are easy to handle.
郭:今天郭美你可以告诉你妈,你和你哥和你妈可以自由进出,这个不是 20 天限制,可以自由进出,但是自由进出无条件进出。
Guo: Guo Mei, you can tell yourmother today that you, yourbrother and she can travel freelyto and from China whenever youwant. This is not a 20-day limitfor free entry and exit. It’sunconditional entry and exit.Uncle Liu will give you a writtendocument. So the three of youwill have nothing to do with me.The country has given you theright of free entry and exit. Let’strust Uncle Liu and trust theMinistry of State Security.Okay?
Liu: There is one condition. Thistime, Qingzhi and Guo Meishould go back as they agreedwith me. The reason we say this is that you should keep yourpromise. After your return, sometime later, I think the issue ofyour father should have madeprogress. But I have to tell you,if you insist to whistle blowagainst Wang Qishan and MengJianzhu again, we’ll need to talkalone.
只有有中国政府现在老想用这种的,这在美国绝对行不通,但是现在因为是新政府,这新政府现在是连吃饭也找不着了, 新的川普的办公室都找不着了,全都是新的,在这种时候,我们恰恰要关注这件事情所以我现在我只能这样。
Guo: Secretary, I bear the legalresponsibilities for what I haveexposed. If they have donenothing wrong, they wouldn’t beafraid of my whistle blowing.Moreover, just as you said,Secretary, you must realize howI have come this far... You havealso read all my case files.Secretaries Wang Qishan andMeng wanted to ruin my familyagain and again. My employeesare poorly treated in jail. Thewhole world knows it. Just likeMr. Cao said yesterday. Thewhole world can’t standwatching it anymore. He saidthat anyone with consciencecannot tolerate it. He has shedtears for this many times. CaoGuangbiao ( Translator’s note:Cao Guangbiao aka ChaoJuang-piu and SBS, is SilasChou’s father and a Hong Kong industrial tycoon) is a seniorcomrade in the Ministry of StateSecurity. He said, “But, Wengui,don’t go to extremes.” Yesterdayhe was trying to persuade menot to go against the CommunistParty and Xi. He’s asked me toannounce publicly that I’m notagainst the Communist Party. Isaid, “I have never said I’magainst the party. Neither have Isaid that I love the party.” But Ihope I will be given a reason inthe future not to be against theparty. I hope one day I candelete my Twitter account andgo back to my normal lifewithout speaking out. I will notmake any decisions before the19th Communist Party of ChinaNational Congress. Because Iwant to see if Wang Qishan andMeng Jianzhu will continue tohold positions after the 19thCongress. If they do, it’simpossible that they will let meoff. I know this too well. To befrank. I don't want to waste yourtime. If they’re gone and thisnew generation comes intopower, people like you will stillbe there. I will definitelyannounce that I’m not againstthe party, President Xi, the state and the nation. I will add that I’mnot against the CommunistParty. Then I will delete myTwitter account and everything,and make an elegant turn to justlive a normal life. I’ve said that Iam happy to do this. But it alldepends on the 19th NationalParty Congress. I thought aboutit for a long time last night. AfterI finished listening to all thephone calls, I find that the onlyissue you want to talk about ismy detained employees. It’s toosimple. Secretary, I am willing tolose face, is that alright withyou? You can keep myemployees in prison. I don’twant them anymore. The key iswhat you can do to me. You’vesaid that my reputation hasbeen ruined. I don’t care aboutthat anymore. What else canyou do? I don’t care about itanymore. Money? I cannot get itout of China anyway. Do youthink that I can get my moneyout? I don’t want it and the statecan take it. You can havelawsuits with these funds, all ofwhich has nothing to do with menow. I don’t need money. I don’twant anything. Today, I tell youformally that I have no demands. You can give mewhatever you want. It doesn’tmatter if you don’t. Then giveme a written promise for mywife, daughter and son allowingthem to enter and exit Chinafreely. And they may notnecessarily go together. Maybeone person at a time. Maybetwo. If you want to keep my sonin custody, go ahead. The threeof them won’t return togetheranyway. They won’t return toChina as a party of two. At mostone at a time. From thispermission of free access, I willshow the world whether theCCP is a liar or a reliable entity.Now the 100 percent of peopledon’t believe in the CCP. I don’tthink there’s anyone who wouldbelieve in the CCP. But I want touse my kids and wife to provethis point. I have no demandsnow. I also told you. You havethree tricks. And so do I. Assimple as that. To be honest, Ihave no demands. The seniorsenator was supposed to comehere today. This morning, hesaid he was coming over to talkabout the hearings in the UnitedStates Congress. They wantmore senators to attend thehearing. He said, “You musttrust us. We know what theChinese governmentrepresentatives said. This isexactly what we pay attention to.Executive power, legislature andCongress are the three separatepowers in the US. The Chinesegovernment always uses thisway to... it doesn’t work in theUS. It’s a new administrationnow, very hard to contact themfor dinner, and hard to contactTrump’s new office. Everythingis new. We should pay attentionto this at this moment.” So I canonly do this now
Liu:Are you saying that theCongress is paying attention tothis matter of yours?
张越活着,我给张越送一毛钱你可以把我枪毙,我行贿张越,还有孟会青,还我行贿孟会青,孟会青的老婆买房子,孟会青那叫罗什么的干的事,他的女朋友跟我说了,我和孟会青?他们真敢作,你把孟会青叫来,叫他自由的说几句话,看我是行贿他什么,他给我办啥事了?我这给中纪委办的事了,抓刘志华,怎么着我行贿他?行贿叫权钱交易,他给我什么权?就这样的假都造得出来,三年了找不出我罪来,给我整出了 21 条罪,翻来覆去那么着,黑社会罪,藏枪罪,强奸罪,强奸未遂罪,然后这又非法绑架罪,行贿罪,隐匿票据罪...(根据公安网络上的谣言)
Guo: You can ask them howmuch they are concerned aboutit. So now, Secretary, youalways want to pull me back.But someone wants to push meout. So all this could have beensettled six months ago. If theylisten to 1% of what you said,we would not have come to thispoint today. But some peopledon’t think this way. They’recrazy. Their poor quality of governing the country can beseen in the fabricated videosabout me, which includespreading rumors of my rapingfemale employees, mypremature ejaculation, and mythree evils, and the stupid actionof issuing a Red Interpol Notice.How can they represent thecountry? Then they made thatdecision and force me to facethe case file with false charges.You have reviewed my case file,in which they charge me withabduction, and bribery. I amcharged with bribing Zhang Yue(Translator’s note: Zhang Yue isformer Secretary of the Politicaland Legal Affairs Commission ofHebei Province). Secretary, Idon’t know what is written in thefiles. Which files did youreviewed? I have several casefiles in my hands. If I have everbribed Zhang Yue, pleaseexecute me by firing squad10,000 times. The onlyinteraction I had with Zhang Yueis a onetime gift of a bottle ofred wine. If we could get ZhangYue to the US today, I wouldlove to confront him. If there’s asingle piece of evidence provingthat I paid him a single cent, you can execute me by firing squad10,000 times. And they alsoclaimed that I illegally abductedXu Yao. I just learned that he’sQingzhi’s nephew. Howridiculous! Whatever they’resaying and showing to you isfalse, not a single word is true.Yesterday, I told him SecretaryLiu was coming. This is veryimportant. He’s also from theMinistry of State Security. It isdefinitely confidential. Kissingeralso came to talk about this withme because we are friends. Iexplained to him why I don'twant foreigners to be involved inthis. But I didn’t expect thatmany of the things that youheard, Secretary Liu, were nottrue. Zhang Yue is still alive andif I had ever given him a singlepenny, you can just execute meby firing squad. How ridiculousthe accusations of bribingZhang Yue and Meng Huiqingare (Translator’s note: MengHuiqing was a former deputy-director level official of theCCP’s Central Commission ofDiscipline Inspection of theCommunist Party of China andthe PRC Ministry ofSupervision). The house thatMeng Huiqing’s wife bought wasfinanced by a guy with thesurname of Luo. His girlfriendtold me everything. How darethey say I bribed Meng? Youcan get Meng here and let himspeak freely. Let’s see if I havebribed him or not, and find outwhat he’s done for me. I workedfor the CCDI to get Liu Zhihuaarrested. How can I bribe him?Bribery is supposed to be atrade between power andmoney. What power did he giveme? It is incredible that theydare make such a falseaccusation. It’s been three yearsand yet they can’t find any crimecommitted by me. They havefabricated 21 crimes for me. Thesame accusations over and overagain, including crimeorganization, possession offirearms, rape, attempted rape,illicit abduction, bribery,concealing transactionrecords ...
Liu: Destroying transactionrecords.
我都想到了,我 28 年了,我准备,不是开玩笑的。
书记,现在把我头都盖了 21 条罪,三年( 2014 -2017 调查),有本事三年把我定了罪?还公布马建副部长行贿罪,这把我忙帮了大了!我行贿马建,首先我行贿我得给他钱,他得给我权力,行贿的最基本的特征就是我给你钱,你给我权力,权钱交易,那就说说吧。
最后发现我没给他钱,他给我钱了,别站着说话,郭文贵说这瞎话连篇,怎么威胁?把这个曾庆红给人牵出来,多险恶的用心,谁能录视频,您说这录视频是公安部某个人干的,孟建柱书记不知道,王岐山不知道,您说王岐山书记是查纪委的,不查郭文贵商人书记您这就说错话了,全人类都知道王岐山查我了,他到处说他要弄死我,他见了美国人都说郭文贵不是好东西,您还替他说话,您觉得不浪费您时间吗?美国人就问他郭文贵怎么回事?他说这家伙是个骗子,一分钱没有,完全是个骗子,盘古都不是他的,别听他胡说八道,他用得着一个国家领导人对我这样吗?孟建柱书记亲自给人家说,郭文贵就是个骗子,骗你们钱了,把你们钱拿回来,我说你是孟建柱书记,他用 得着说吗?你去把他当成国家领导人,我还说周永康也是国家领导人,令计划也是国家领导人,不照样跪着,啥不就一百多斤吗?他被抓起来连狗都不如!孟建柱王岐山过了十九大以后,什么都不是,他代表不了国家!他代表不了这 200 多万的干警!他代表不了书记,不要把他们,因为他的职务就是他的伟大了?他是个人!当他不配代表这国家的时候,我就不把他当成领导人了!孟建柱书记用得着带着十几个人去跑到中东去,把我毁那样?我还能尊重他吗?孙力军跟我见面有啥用?你天天到美国毁我,拿了钱,美国人都盯着,说你进入我们都给你盯着。
Guo: Crime for concealing anddestroying transaction records.Secretary, you have legalknowledge. Anyone with legal knowledge can think about it.Would any rational man believethat this has anything to do withme? I, Guo Wengui, have swornfrom the day when my youngerbrother died that I will never goback to the detention center. Mytop priority is that I always keepmyself prepared for everythingthat could happen, when oneday, the police and the court willinvestigate me, how I willanswer their questions. You canask Lu Tao and Yang Ying. Ifthey can give one piece ofevidence of my wrongdoings,you can convict me. I havealready thought everythingthrough and I have beenprepared for 28 years. I’m notjoking. Secretary, now I’veheard that they charged me with21 crimes. It has already been 3years. If they could, they wouldhave convicted me with relatedcharges, but they are not ableto. They also announced thedetails of the bribing of ViceMinister Ma Jian. This helps mea great deal. If I bribed Ma Jian,first of all, I must have given himmoney and he must have givenme power in return. The basicelement of bribery is the offering of money in exchange for somepower, money-powertransaction. Let’s check it out.Just like the time when theyarrested Wang Youjie(Translator’s note: Wang Youjieis a former member of theStanding Committee of theHenan Provincial PartyCommittee), they also arrestedme. The CCDI said I gave himmoney. In the end, they foundthat I didn’t give him any money,but it was rather him who gaveme money. Don’t be thestanding talker who does notfeel the backache. They sayGuo Wengui talks nonsense,and I blackmail people, buthow? They have tried toimplicate Zeng Qinghong(Translator’s note: ZengQinghong is a former member ofthe CCP Standing Committee).What a malicious intention! Whocould film the videos? You saidthat the videos were producedby someone from the Ministry ofPublic Security. Secretary MengJianzhu didn’t know anythingabout them. Wang Qishan didn'tknow about them. You saySecretary Wang Qishan onlyinvestigated officials of the
CCDI, not businessman GuoWengui, Secretary, you’rewrong. Everyone knows thatWang Qishan is investigatingme. He keeps telling people thathe will completely ruin me. Hehas told the Americans that GuoWengui is a villain. You’re stillspeaking for him. Don’t youthink this is a waste of time?The Americans asked himwhat’s going on with GuoWengui. He said, “This guy is afraud. He has no money. He’s atotal liar. Pangu doesn’t evenbelong to him. Don’t believe inhis nonsense.” Does he have todo this to me as a state leader?Secretary Meng Jianzhu toldpeople, “Guo Wengui is a liar.He has swindled money fromyou. Take your money back.” Heis a secretary. Why did hedefame me? You see him as astate leader. Zhou Yongkangwas also a state leader. So wasLing Jihua. Didn’t they alsokneel down? They are justsomeone weighing over 100pounds. They became nothingwhen they got arrested. MengJianzhu and Wang Qishan willbe nothing after the 19thNational Congress. They don’trepresent the country. Theydon’t represent the 2 millionpolicemen. They don’t representthe party’s General Secretary.Don’t treat them as if they aregreat men just because of theirpositions. They’re only humans.They don’t deserve to berepresentatives of this country, Iwon’t treat them as leaders.Secretary Meng Jianzhu hastaken it too far by bringing overa dozen people to the MiddleEast, viciously badmouthingabout me there. Can I stillrespect him? What’s the pointfor me to meet Sun Lijun? Youcome to America and defameme for money. The Americansare keeping an eye on him.They monitor his every move inthe US. I can’t tell you who hasbeen here, which I havepromised the Americans. This isgetting more serious. I don’twant this happen either. Butmany things are not in mycontrol. I want everything to beunder control. Yet thingssometimes just don't go as youwish. The less you want to losecontrol, the more out of controlyou will be.
刘: 继续撒火,还有什么火都泄了。
Liu: Keep on venting youranger. What else do you have?Blow all your steam off
Guo: No, Secretary. Since I metyou in London, if you look back,haven’t I meant every word Isaid? Even though sometimes Iexpress myself emotionally, amI not always sincere? My lawyerhas clearly told me that ourlawyer must be presentwhenever I discuss anythingabout my case. I said, “I don’tneed you to get involved now.”
刘:什么? Liu: What?
Guo: My lawyer. When we talkabout the case files, my lawyermust be present. Especially myprivate lawyer. Now the US lawhas a clear differentiation.Commercial lawyers. Privatesafety lawyers. Now especiallymy criminal lawyer. I have toldthem explicitly. My legal team isjust downstairs. I can tell themto come up anytime. I can do itanytime. But I say that I’mcooperating right now to clarifythe issues in a friendly way and Idon’t want to get into legalmatters at this point. SoSecretary, I don’t want things toget out of control. I don’t. But, Iam going to say the same thing to you: after all, Meng Jianzhuand Wang Qishan are yourbosses. They won’t tell you whatthey do
Liu: You’re saying that I havebeen kept in the dark whiledoing my job?
Guo: I think that for most partyou have been kept in the dark.Since we had a phone call whenyou were in Beijing, I have toldyou every time that “What I’mmost worried about is that theykeep you in the dark and won’ttell you the whole truth.” I havetold you that Sun Lijun iscoming. I have also told youabout the Middle East mission.I’ve told you that he came to theUS looking for a PR firm. I’vetold you how he went to theSpecial Investigation Team andwhat he did, and how Li You’sfile was changed a month ago.Does any of these turn out to beuntrue, Secretary?刘:你说完了吗。
Liu: Are you done talking?
郭: 我说完了。
Guo: Yes, I am.
Liu: Very well. What you said
has “woken me up from mydreams,” quote and unquote.
Guo: Secretary, don’t say that.
Liu: You made me come out offog and clouds.郭:没有。
Guo: No. Please.
Liu: I think I really need tochange my perspective to lookat this issue. But I still want tosay this. This may soundbureaucratic. Anyways, nomatter if it’s the second path orthe third one, you have to trustme, let’s just take our pathtogether. Shall we?
Guo: I definitely trust you. But Idon’t trust your information.
Liu: No. That’s another issue. Ijust want to say we take thispath together. Is this right ornot?
Guo: Yes. You’re right. All youhave said is correct. But there’sone thing that you have neverconsidered. Why have I come
this far? Can I decide where Iwant to go in the future? Let meask you, Secretary Liu, am Iwilling to be in such a situation?You talked about Ma Jian today.As long as you have a little bit ofcommon sense, you can tellwhat this case is about. WangQishan and Meng Jianzhu arecreating turmoil, are they notguilty? Is Fu Zhenghua notguilty? Is Li You not guilty? OnlyGuo Wengui is guilty and mustbe confess everything. So thecontributions made by GuoWengui count for nothing? Doesevery time Sun Lijun come toAmerica just by accident? Andonly to talk abouttelecommunication andcybersecurity stuff with theAmericans? Is Guo Wengui sostupid? I didn’t ask for it. Howcould I? They have found meand offered me help andprotection. Two and a half yearsago, the CIA talked to me inMiami. I rejected them and Ideclined to talk with them. I saidI didn’t want to see him. Mylawyer says that if they harassme again, he will file a lawsuit.But now I have no choice. Threeyears have passed and here itcomes again. They are comingto America again. And offered todo some transaction with me,that is the transaction of theinformation from both sides.They two lie together. TheAmericans and the Chinese lietogether. They ask Guo Wenguito jointly do something. Do youthink it is possible? You don’tknow it.
Liu: Wengui, I think you aresuffering unnecessary pains tostudy an insoluble problem.You’ve got tangle up with it.
Guo: No, I am not. I won’t riskmy life to get into this, you see?I won’t risk my life forunnecessary things. If I haddone so, I wouldn’t be alivetoday. I would have died. Justlike when people used to saythat my enterprise was a messand I was a fraud. In the end,my corporation is one of thebest companies in China. Atleast it is one of the top and thecleanest companies. I wasdeified as non-human in thepast, and now I am described asnotorious. If I have stubbornlywasted time on any insolubleproblems, I would not be still alivetoday. I want to be honesttoday. I won’t talk at macro-levelnor great truth. I will only speakabout something practical. I willspeak frankly with you and tell itas it is.
Liu: Only these three options.
Guo: Yes.
刘:你说的这边走的是三条路,我这是一条路,是吧? 然后桌子下面还有一条路,是吧?
Liu: You said that our side hasthree routes and one of which Iam taking now. Right? There isone under the table, right?郭: 对。
Guo: Right
Liu: Is there still one secretpath?
郭: 对 Guo: Yes.
Liu: Isn’t there? The third one isto make political deals inWashington?郭:对。
Guo: Right.
Liu: Right? Among these three,what do you think of the firstoption? What about it?
Guo: I am willing to listen to you.
Liu: So, I pretend that I have noidea about the other twochoices, is that ok?
Guo: No problem.
Liu: How should we walkthrough this path?
Guo: I am willing to listen to you.Haven’t I said it already?
Liu: You have to listen to me,and if you listen to me...
Guo: I will listen to you when Ican. If I cannot, I will tell you thatI won’t listen to you.
Liu: Okay. Listen to me. If youbelieve me, I think you can giveit a try. If you are willing to try,then we must meet halfway. Youhave to calm down a little bit.
Guo: I have always been calm.
刘:不,你听我说完,就是说你就要冷静一下,冷静一下把这些你刚才讲的,那些你的那三条路特别是后两条路,你就要先放一放,看看这条路能不能见到真正的成效?好吗?这个小平同志讲过实践是检验真理的标准,对吧?看看我们这条路,就我们两个人现在走的这条路能不能走得通?如果说有一段时间之后,说走不通,那好,我也 60 多岁的人了我也犯不上受这辛苦,对吧?我也不是说家里没有其他的事儿,我还有其他工作要干,你明白我的意思吗?就是严格说这个事儿,组织上安排,我服从组织的决定来咱们来进行谈,你也同意说这条路要走,我说我们不妨试一试,向前推动推动,推动推动就需要我们相互之间,共同来合力解决这件事儿,明白我吗?
Liu: No. Let me finish first.That’s to say that you must keepcalm. Keep calm and think ofthe three choices mentionedpreviously, especially the lattertwo, which you need to setaside. And then let’s see if thefirst choice works or not. Okay?Comrade Xiaoping said thatpractice is the sole criterion forjudging the truth, right? So let ustake a look at the path we walktogether to see if it can gothrough or not. If after a while,you find out it doesn’t work,that’s fine. I am already over 60,and I don’t need to put up withthis kind of hardship, right? Idon’t mean that I have nothingto do at home and I have lots ofother work that needs to betaken care of. Do youunderstand? Strictly speaking,the party has made the decisionto send me here, and I haveobeyed the party’s decision andcome to talk to you. You havealso agreed to take this pathwith me. I say we can try andmove forward. Moving forwardmeans we need to worktogether to push it. Do youunderstand?
郭: 好,书记。
Guo: For sure, Secretary.
Liu: If you think it is alright to try,then we can go on with thisconversation.
郭: 我一直都听您的。
Guo: I have always beenlistening to you.
刘:不,你听我跟你说, 就咱们一起,一起往前推动这个有个时限,你比如说 7 月 1 号,你说了你不反共产党,起码现在你还不反,上一次那个说法你也都赞同,咱们 7 月 1 号是个时限。
Liu: No, listen to me. As wepush forward with this, weshould have a timetable. Forexample, you said that by July1, you won’t oppose theCommunist Party. At least youwon’t oppose it for now. Youalso agreed to this last time. Solet’s set July 1st as our deadline.
郭:我 7 月 1 号前我的直播视频,我爱讲什么讲什么,从明天起我就没有任何顾忌了。
Guo: So prior to July 1st, I cansay whatever I like in my livestreaming broadcast. Fromtomorrow on till July 1st, I won’thave any scruples to speak outfreely.
Liu:Hey hey hey...
Guo: This is simple. Guo Lijiehasn't been released yet. Myissue is not solved. I must speakout.
Liu: Listen to me. If you do itsolely because of Guo Lijie...
Guo: I must do it.刘:你听我给你说。
Liu: Listen to me.郭:我一定要讲,否则他们永远认为我郭文贵就是欺负一把又一把,他背叛我一把,我就要跟他来一把,一定是这样的。
Guo: I must do it. Otherwise,they always think they can bullyme over and over again. If theybetray me, I must take revenge.This is what I have to do.
刘:你这么说他们背叛你了,我们两个人共同走这条路,我对 你如何?
Liu: How can you say that theyhave betrayed you? As now weare walking down the samepath, have I treated you well?
Guo: You’ve treated mewell,100 percent, Secretary.
Liu: Have I treated you well?
Guo: Absolutely 100 percent.
Liu: I have been treating you100 percent well, but how wellare you treating me in return?郭:我对你百分之百。
Guo: I am 100% nice to you.
Liu: Does speaking out meanthat are you still 100% nice tome?
Guo:But it is not me who brokethe promise.
刘:不是? Liu: Isn’t it?
Guo: I have not broken anypromise. You can’t blame me forthat.
刘:你看,但是这个事儿和我直接相关,你要知道我今年 62 了,明年我退休了。
Liu: Look. I am directly involvedin this matter. I am 62 years oldnow. I am going to retire nextyear.
Guo: I know.
Liu: I want to write a happyending to my career. And in fact,you know that I have used all ofmy assets and my life toguarantee your wife’s anddaughter’s coming to America.
Guo: That’s why Qingzhi andGuo Mei have to go back toChina.刘:你听我给你说。
Liu:Let me finish first.
Guo: They will return to China.No worries.
刘:你听我给你说,那是当时话赶话说到这,临时动议,我就拍了板了,然后做了工作了,她们回不回去,你家庭内部你自个儿定,我绝不说 采取什么强迫你们的这种态度,来提这个要求,为什么?我们在一起要说想形成合力,相向而行,就大家共同往前推,明白了吗?说生意场上还得有一个讨价还价,咱这不是讨价还价,但是这应该又在情理之中,你明白我的意思吗?
Liu:Let me continue. So whenwe were in the discussion ofyour issues one after another, itcame this ad hoc motion and Iapproved it and did somepersuasion work. Whether theyreturn to China or not is yourfamily matter. You can decide itby yourself. I will never forceyou and raise that request.Why? Because we need to forma joint force and meet eachother halfway, we must pushforward hard together. Do youunderstand? While it is commonto bargain in business, we arenot bargaining here, but thisshould also be reasonablyassumed. Do you follow me?
Guo: Yes.
Liu: At that time it was proposedthat your wife and daughtershould come to America, whichis what happened.
Guo: Yes, thank you so much.That’s why I am very grateful toyou.刘:实现了。
Liu: They have come.
Guo: I am so grateful for that.
Liu: Before they came toAmerica, I have resolved theissue of your fourth and sixthelder brothers, haven’t I?
Guo: That’s why I am sothankful. I will do whatever youtell me to do.
Liu: On that day, I told you I wasable to help to get things done,but you must be aware that thepower to made final decision isin our hand.
Guo: You don't have the power.
Liu: We do have the final say.
Guo: No, wedon’t.
Liu: It is an objective fact. Let’sadmit it. Alright? Good. Youshould be very clear about whohas the power, right? So whenyou told me on the phone thatyou would like your fourth andsixth elder brothers to go home,which they did. You thanked Secretary Meng for that. It iswhat you said on the phone.
Guo: So I have said next time Iwill not talk about secretaryMeng but secretary Wang. Iwon’t expose anything aboutMeng this time, and maybe nexttime. My commitment will expirein three weeks. After these threeweeks, I owe nothing to no one.
Liu: No. It’s not like this. It is notabout who owes whom. It is allabout affections and duties. Doyou see what I’m trying to tellyou here?
Guo:Yes, I see.
Liu: Our ultimate power decidesthe coming of your wife and daughter, and the release ofyour fourth and sixth elderbrothers. Right? Your family isreunited and they can see yourparents. They are free now,aren’t they? However, look atyour YouTube channel and yourTwitter account, you have notstopped a single day. Do youknow that?
郭:但是不说王和孟不行吗? Guo: Can’t I keep updating themwithout talking about Wang and Meng?
Liu:You indeed have notmentioned them.
Guo:Then I haven’t broken mypromise.
Liu:You didn’t mention them,but you have dropped somehints in your words and betweenthe lines. Do you know howmuch pressure I have to bear?
Guo:That right, you’re indeedunder a great pressure. That’strue.
Liu:You have to know that.
Guo:So Secretary Liu, this iswhy I think...
刘:你听我跟你讲,咱这么说,不看僧面看佛面,就在这点上你把我给挤压到天花板上,你知道吗?你刘彦平说的、提的建议我们也赞同但是它这个意见并不是一致的,并非一致,但是最后领导拍板同意彦平同志的建议,明白了吗?这个事儿你都知道,我们是有组织原则的,个人服从组织,下级服从上级,全党服从中央,这是党的组织原则,你明白吗?但是相当一部分人在保留着自己的意见,最后的怒火不是集中在你郭文贵身上,是集中在我刘某人身上,你明白了吗?我背负多大压力?你看,即使这样顶着压力我又来了,还是这么谈,为什么?我自己能决定我说我们四个人一起来美国吗?我也要请示也要把我的想法做一个非常完整的一个汇报,组织上经过认真地研究以后,同意这个建议,我来了咱们坐在一起谈这些问题,目的是什么,还是要通过这条正路,来解决这个,找出解决问题的出路来,所 以我就跟你说,这条路如果说你要是真正的坚信的话,你要坚信的话我觉得我们应该是相向而行,相向而行的目的是为了把出路找到大家一起走,走到前就把问题全都解决了,那在这个时候我们就要创造一个解决这个问题的一个环境,我不是在讲别的,你知道吗?不能说我们要解决问题总是我在努力地去做, 1 加 1 等于 2 ,你那儿是在做 1 减 1 等于 0 。
Liu:Listen to me. Let me put itthis way. As an old saying goes,“not for the monk's sake, but forthe Buddha's,” you must notpress me to the ceiling on thismatter. Do you know that? Theysupported my proposal but itwas not a consensual decision,not at all. But the leaders madethe final decision to approvewhat I proposed. Do youunderstand? You know that, as a party organization, we haverules to follow, which areindividuals obey the partyorganization, subordinates obeytheir superiors, and the wholeparty members obeys thecentral party committee. This isour party’s organizing principle.A relatively large group ofpeople reserved their own viewson your issue. In the end theirrage won’t be directed to youbut to me. Do you get it? Do youknow how much pressure I ambearing now? Despite thepressure, I have come here totalk to you. Why? Can I make adecision by myself to bring fourof us to the U.S.? I needed toask for instructions and submit acomprehensive report. The partyorganization analyzed itthoroughly and approved myproposal. Only then could Ifinally come to sit down with youto talk about these issues. Whatis the purpose of this? It is tosolve the problems in a properway, and to find a solution. So Itell you, if you firmly believe thisis the right path and that youtruly want to settle the problems,we must meet each otherhalfway. The purpose ofmeeting halfway is to find a way out for all of us.At the end ofthe road, all problems will besolved. In this moment, we needto create an environment forsolving the problem. This iswhat I am talking about. Do youunderstand? To solve theproblems, I can’t be the only onemaking efforts, and it is like I amdoing one plus one equals two,and you are doing one minusone equals zero.
郭:我没有做? Guo:I haven’t done that.
刘: 你知道吗? Liu:Do you know that?
郭:我没有,我哪是 1 减 1 等于0 ?Guo:I haven’t done one minusone equals zero to offset youreffort.刘:你总是在回绝。
Liu:You always reject myproposal.
Guo:Secretary, you haveignored the most obvious fact,which is when you are talkingwith me, they are trying torepatriate me. They want todestroy me.
Liu:Let me tell you.
Guo:That’s the first point.Second, according to thepromise of the leader, Guo Lijieshould have gone home to havedinner when you arrived theU.S.. But it has been more thanthirty days now. I have notbroken my promise, not evenonce. I have not done a singlenegative thing. I have notexposed, not even once, eitherSecretary Wang or SecretaryMeng.
Liu:Listen to me. Even thoughGuo Lijie isn’t back home yet, itdoesn’t necessarily mean shewon’t be released soon.
但我需要你给我你昨天说了他本来就该自由出入,然后我对您没要求了, 你不用着急回答我,您觉得我有罪按照国家司法法律引渡我他们要告我,来吧我的员工有罪,判了他们,都把他枪毙了。
跟我啥关系我还能天天哭去吗?不可能. 我们的资产,你爱咋处理咋处理,我不管了我没要求,行吗,书记?不是我现在我没要求,行不行。
Guo:Secretary, I made thedecision yesterday. I do notwant to put you on a difficultspot. I am not going to ask yousolve my own issue nor myemployee issue. Today, whenwe meet I’ve let go theserequests. Before you coming, Irefused to meet anyone. Mycondition for meeting with mewas to bring my wife anddaughter, and release mybrothers. However, I didn't askfor anything from you because Itrust you Secretary Liu. I didn’t make any requests, when wefirst met each other. Later, Ialways kept my word andfulfilled my promise. I have beenthinking since last night, that thebest favor I can do in return,Secretary Liu, is to make mywife and children go back toBeijing. The whole world iswatching me. I won’t put youinto a difficult position. But Ineed you to keep the promiseyou made to me yesterday,which is to grant the right of freeentry and exit as they naturallydeserve. Then I have no furtherrequests. Take your time toanswer me. If you think I’mguilty, you can initiate myextradition in accordance withthe law. If they want to sue me,go ahead! If my employees areguilty, convict them. You caneven execute them by firingsquad. This is none of mybusiness. Can I cry and beg youevery day? It is not possible. Ifyou want to confiscate myassets, go ahead, I won’t stopyou. I have no more requests.Secretary, is that alright? I won’task for anything now. Is it okay?
刘:不是,你看你要这么说的话,就不是说我们两个人要走这一条路this, that is not the agreementwe reached that we go down thepath together.郭:书记,你真得意识到,昨天因为这样简称老领导,您是老领导的核心,这不用说,他说你不要让人家彦平难做
Liu:No. If you say stuff likeGuo:Secretary, you don’t knowthe Old Leader called meyesterday. He says that you area core member of his innercircle, which goes withoutsaying. He tells me not to putyou in the spotlight.
Liu:Who said that?
郭:你甭管他说彦平这人真是个厚道人,他说你千万别让他难做, 他说他在你这个事儿上他真是苦口婆心,满嘴冒泡,他说但是这几个人不会给彦平说实话,我说那我今天就做一个决定我就不让彦平书记为难,他说你要这么做的话,那你这是,你就是个英雄了,所以说来这,你可以来,你可以现在我不要你东西不就完了我不要,书记,我啥也不要了,我就是我该干啥干啥,我跟你没要求,你把郭丽杰枪毙了,我都想好了,昨天郭美说爸爸你凭什么你在的Youtube上说,你视频说全家就是杀了我也认了你凭啥替我做决定?是,我是不该, 我以后我不说了,郭丽杰我也不管了这不都完了吗?
Guo:Don’t ask who, please.He said Yanping is an honesthumble man, and you shouldnever put him into a difficultsituation. I was told that you haddone your best to convinceothers. But the old leader saidthat those people wouldn’t behonest with Yanping. I decidedtoday that I would not put him inthe spotlight. The old leadersaid that I would be a hero if Icould do that. Therefore, youcan come to America as you likesince I won’t ask for nothingfrom you. I don’t want anythingat all, Secretary. I will just dowhatever I should do. I won’tmake any request to you. It is upto you if you want to execute Guo Lijie by firing squad. Justdo it. Yesterday Guo Mei askedme why I said that I wouldaccept it even though my wholefamily is executed on myYouTube channel. Shequestioned my right to make thedecision for her. No, I don't havethe right. So I will say nothingfrom now on. I will keep myhands off the Guo Lijie case.All’s solved.
Liu:If you keep saying so, itmeans you don’t want to moveforward with me.
郭:我不是,书记,您说我还咋不是往前走,你让我咋你告诉我说书记,我本来希望您来了以后一进屋,文贵,我现在让你做啥 一二三四五,啥也不跟你讲,结果您现在说文贵你要面对卷宗的事情,书记,孟建柱管理的公检法已经被世界上列为了几乎近于黑社会组织,我很快会给你答案, “马格尼茨基法案”就等着孟建柱和王岐山,包括傅政华,你已经看到了,美国国会已经把这些人列入到禁止全球旅游,你回去告诉孟建柱书记、王歧山我郭文贵能够做到这一点,我现在给某个组织,我答应他捐 3000 万美元,我说你就把这事件给我整明白,他怎么虐待我的员工,全球追责,我一定做到这他现在管这案子,你让我去接受,我凭什么接受。
Guo:No, Secretary. How canyou accuse me of not movingforward. What do you expect meto tell you Secretary? I washoping that after you came inmy house, with no chitchat,you’d tell Wengui what to do --one, two, three, four and fivethings. But instead you are nowsaying Wengui has to face thecase files. Secretary, the PublicSecurity, the Procuratorate andthe court system supervised byMeng Jianzhu have beenconsidered almost like criminalorganizations by the rest of theworld. I will give you the answer soon. The Magnitsky Actsanction is ready for MengJianzhu and Wang Qishan,including Fu Zhenghua. As youhave already seen, the UnitedStates Congress has forbiddenthis type people from travellingto other countries. You can goback and tell Meng Jianzhu andWang Qishan, that I, GuoWengui can make it happen.Now I agree to donate $30million to an organization and Isaid you must investigate thewhole incident and show howmy employees were abused andseek accountability globally. Imust do it. He is in charge ofthis case now. You want me toaccept it. Why should I?
Liu:Do you mean finding athird party?
Guo:Yes, a third party.
Liu:I would like to know what isyour suggestion regarding thisthird party.
郭:就两个方案我的事情,一我认罚,我上次跟你说那个郭文贵没啥也别说了,就认罚你认什么样的事儿,你违法了你也别问了,你也别听了,公告结束我认了,这是一个最佳方案为什么?在我今天,我再说一遍王岐山,孟建柱,傅政华代表不了中华人民共和国,也代表不了中国共产党我说的事情,我得维护国家尊严,我要求依法治国我当然也依回国家的法律, 哪些事弄完了,国家多没面子,抓了半天。
Guo:There are two proposalsconcerning my case. First, Iaccept penalty. Like what I toldyou last time. Guo Wengui will stop arguing. I will just acceptpenalty with or without violationof laws. You don’t investigateand don’t make inquiryanymore, and just make anannouncement to imposepenalty for me. This is the bestproposal. Why? Today I repeat,Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhuand Fu Zhenghua cannotrepresent the People’s Republicof China nor the ChineseCommunist Party. I need toprotect our national pride. Idemand to govern the countrythrough rule of law. Of course Iwill be abided the law.Otherwise, after all theinvestigation and the arrest, ifthere is nothing wrong, howembarrassing it will be for thecountry.
Liu:Please repeat what you’vejust said.
Guo:I was saying WangQishan and Meng Jianzhu don’trepresent the PRC.
Liu:No. I mean what you justsaid...About the case.
Guo:I cannot end myadvocacy for rule of lawbecause of my case. No. That Iwill not do. We cannot drop thecases for no reason. Thecountry won’t be able to explainit to the society and it won’t beable to explain to theinternational community either.After such a long investigation,nothing was found, so I amwilling to accept my penalty. Iam not guilty. But I broke thelaw for sure.
Liu:You admit that you brokethe law.
Guo:Yes, I am sure.刘:你承认违法,但不承认有罪。
Liu:You admit that you brokethe law but you plead not guilty.
Guo:Not guilty at all.
Liu:Are you sure?
郭: 对,我愿意受经济处罚,最高额处罚。
Guo:Yes. I am willing to accepta monetary penalty. I can paythe maximum penalty. After youannounce the penalty, GuoWengui will accept it. I willaccept the monetary penalty. Idon’t want to go into details.This is my request for handlingmy case.
Liu:Okay. This is one yourbasic points of view.
郭: 对,如果认为你不行,找第三方。
Guo:Yes. If you think it doesn’twork, you can find a third party.
Liu:No. No need for a thirdparty. What you said is that youadmit you broke the law, but youplead not guilty. Is that right?
Liu:Alright. I have written itdown. Then let me think about itto see if we can move forwardwith it.
Guo:Sure. It is easy for you,Secretary. I will tell you why.Because you treat this issuevery seriously. It is very simple.It is like the case of Liu Zhihua.The Ministry of State Securitysummoned Guo Wengui foradmonition and encouragement.I sat by a table full of people forthat, and it ended with me beinghanded a letter of admonition.
Liu:Admonition is for partymembers and civil servants.Can we do that to you too?
Guo:You can ask theCommunist Party, and youwanted me to do it. You shouldask Minister Geng of theMinistry of State Security aboutit.
刘:你刚才说的这三条,你们记一下,把三条记一下,文贵你再重新复述一遍, 让小吴记一下,办公室主任记点这玩意,我跟你说,你再说一遍我觉得这个不是没有商量的可能的,真的,这事儿你别着急。
Liu:So these three points youhave just made, you guys writethem down. Keep a record.Wengui please repeat them onemore time. Let Little Wu recordit. The head of the general officehas to take notes on this.Please repeat your points. Ithink there is room fordiscussion. Really. Don’t worryabout it.
郭: 我时间我是没办法了,书记。
Guo:I am running out of time,Secretary.
刘:你别给我弄 6 月 6 号,我还今儿跟你这么说,咱们要就这么走,你别给我弄一 6 月 6 号,什么又明镜又第三次直播,我给你提个建议,起码拖到你那个Liu: Don’t set June 6 asdeadline again. I am telling youthat we will leave if you aregoing to set June 6 as thedeadline for the 3rd live财务会开完了以后。
interview onMingjing.Let megive you a suggestion. Youshould at least wait until yourfinancial meeting is done.吴:我复述一下,就是承认违法方面愿意接受经济处罚,但是不认为犯罪,主要考虑的是从维护国家法制形象角度处罚,处罚结果可以向全世界公告宣布这个事情已经了结,同时取消红通。另一方面要求。
Wu:Let me repeat. You arewilling to accept the economicpenalty, but you don’t think thatyou have committed any crimes.Your purpose of doing so is toprotect the image of the legalsystem of our nation. The finalpenalty can be made public,announcing to the whole worldthat this case is closed.Meanwhile the Red InterpolNotice will be cancelled, whichis another request.
Liu:Did she get it right?
Liu:Good. The second one.
郭:第二条,您可是真当纪委书记了,关于红通,不是关于我的家人,员工现在被羁押着我认为由于羁押期都超过了两年半这个期限,按照中国的刑法,按照中国所有的法院的有关规定,由于现在各种情况都是经济犯罪,它不是重大刑事 犯罪可以以李友案作为参照,这些人现在全部取保,取保全部取保然后或者说取保后根据情况也可以进行定罪或者起诉,现在已经羁押期过了。
Guo:Second, you are nowputting on the hat of theSecretary of the Committee ofDiscipline Inspection. About theRed Interpol Notice..., No. It isabout my family and myemployees. They have been indetention for more than two anda half years, which exceeds the
time limit allowed by lawalready. According to thecriminal laws of China and theregulations of all the courts inChina, all the cases related toeconomic crimes are not seriouscriminal offences, all of whichyou can follow how Li You’scase is handled. They should allbe bailed out, all bailed out. Andafter they are bailed out, youcan press charges against themor convict them on a case bycase basis, since the legaldetention period has expired.
Wu:What you just said has twoparts: one is to allow the bail outof all the detained familymembers and employees.Another one is to promise thatthey will all plead guilty if theycan be bailed.
Liu:No. The ruling on whetherthey are guilty or not should bemade based on the law. Itshould be justified by facts anddetermined based on the law.
Guo:No more appeals. Nomore discussion in the society.
Liu:You will accept the court rulingsmade under the laws andguarantee that they will notappeal?
Guo:Continue to appeal anddiscuss the case in any place,and in any form, is a seriousmatter. Why should I do that?
Liu:You are right. It is for thesake of the social stability.
郭:不是,因为什么这些人的家属很多抓着你打他们骂他们的事情虐待的事情,刚才您说开了,什么叫虐待?( 5 月 21日)我跟你说头两天我的一个人就被出去罚跪了一个多小时。
Guo:No. Because the familymembers of these people willnot let go of the fact that theywere beaten up and mistreatedby your investigation team. Youjust talked about themistreatment. What ismistreatment? Let me tell youthat in the first two days whenmy employee were detained,one of them was punished tokneel outside for more than anhour.
Liu:You see, you have somany devices installed here inyour home...
郭:我这你放心吧,书记,这些事情是很重要对国家形象,因为我让他们每个人,我说我要跟他们先谈好,你们回家必须说不能再折腾,因为这个折腾,冒出啥事儿出来,你们都自由了,我来担保你们不能再折腾,因为我回来,我准备每个人谁在里面关一天我赔 1 万块钱。
Guo:Don’t worry about myhome, Secretary. This is criticalto the image of the nation
I need to make a deal with thembeforehand. If they go home,they have to agree not to makea fuss. And if they do,something bad may happenagain. After they regain freedomI will guarantee that they won’tget into trouble again. I intend topay everyone a compensationof RMB10,000 each day theystayed in detention.
吴:我复述你俩刚才第三条内容,就是对于涉案资产就 146家债权人还是由刘书记牵头协调与巿场经济协调。
Wu:Let me repeat the thirdstatement you just made. Aboutthis case, for the assetsinvolved, there are 146creditors. Secretary Liu will takethe lead to coordinate accordingto the economic market practice.
Liu:Mostly you...
Guo:You have to write it down.
Liu:According to the requests.
吴:也可以由香港的基金公司或者境外的金融机构以带走(境内资产带到境外)方式或者再融资偿还 146 家的债务。
Wu:And it may be donethrough the funds in Hong Kongor overseas financialorganizations in the form oftaking over the debts orrefinancing them to repay the146 creditors.
Guo:You are right. We cansolve the problem as soon aspossible. Put down those fourwords, “as soon as possible.” Indue course, I will go back whenmy safety is guaranteed. I won’tgo back unless I get PresidentXi’s confirmation. Now I can onlytrust one person -- Secretary Xi.Secretary Liu, I don’t trustanyone else.
Liu:I am not a secretary. I ama team leader.
Guo:Team leader Liu. Teamleader is high-ranking. Teamleaders are important now asthey are solving all kinds ofproblems for the CentralGovernment. Performing coreduties. Leader Liu. I will call youLeader Liu from now on, leaderof international core dutiesteam. I acknowledge.
Liu:Wengui, so you have madefour requests. I only ask you forone thing.According to what we havediscussed, the several ways thatyou have just mentioned... canyou stay calm?郭:我的冷静标准是啥,我直播里有,直播不能没有。
Guo:What is your standard ofbeing calm? I have to includemy live broadcast in the deal. Iwon’t give it up.
刘: 你直播,就其实直播咱们可以你直播的话,如果说必须要有必须要有的话,王岐山,孟建柱不行!这是一个基本要求,我觉得你完全做得到,不然的话,我不好去协调这件事。
Liu:If you insist doing the livebroadcast, you cannot speakout against Wang Qishan andMeng Jianzhu. It is a basicrequirement. I think you areabsolutely capable of meetingthat requirement. Otherwise, Ican’t coordinate the case.
Guo:I can avoid talking aboutthem. But I have two moreconditions. If I find that someoneis trying to mess with me likecomrade Sun Lijun; the hackerscontinue their attacks; someChinese websites continuesmearing me, and those fewpeople in Hong Kong are stilltrying to mess with me, I won’tkeep my promise.
(不会再威胁郭、追杀和网络黑化郭)Liu:Listen to me. You justlisten to me. I can promise thatsomething like that won’thappen.
郭:如果你保证这个,我就给 Guo:If you promise me, I will你保证。
promise you that I won’t mentionthem.
Liu:You can’t talk about WangQishan and Meng Jianzhu inyour live broadcast.
Liu:It’s a basic request fromme, a promise between you andme.
Guo:As for Fu Zhenghua, youhave to keep your nose out of it.I will continue to fight againsthim until he is caught.
Liu:What did he do to you?
Guo:He has taken bribes. Areyou actually the Vice Secretaryof the party commitee?
Guo:Do you support anti-corruption?
Liu:I do.
郭:你们支不支持反腐,他收 Guo:Do you support or oppose钱了,他要不要伏法。
anti-corruption? He has acceptbribes. So, should he bepunished by the law?
Liu:Let me tell you. First, I ama member of the communistparty. Also, I am an official incharge of the discipline work ofthe party. Do you understand?The General Secretaryrequested us tocomprehensively govern theParty with strict regulations.
Guo:Isn’t he a party member?
Liu:I support the ideawholeheartedly and will forgeahead with it. This is the correctpremise. I made my basicrequest. I suggest you shouldturn page on the matter of FuZhenghua.
GUO: Alright. I will talk less. Iwill still whistle blow I get hold ofany new information. Only FuZhenghua. If it is announcedthat Fu Zhenghua has beentransferred to anotherdepartment, I will stop. I am notrequesting his arrest. If he staysin his current position, he is stilla threat to my family. Because
no one can promise the safetyof my family. Until yesterday,someone had been followingand threatening my brother. Ourclients were threatened. Myemployees were beaten upbadly. You just have to send FuZhenghua to anotherdepartment. Then I will stop. Ifyou don’t send him away, youdon’t investigate him, then I’ll have to continue...
Liu: Okay. I can agree to all thebasic requests.
Guo: The basic requests. Okay.
Liu: And about Wang and Meng,
Guo:I can stop talking aboutthem.
刘: 6 月 6 号。
Liu: On June 6.
郭: 6 月 6 号。
Guo: On June 6.
Liu: You have to stop talkingabout Wang and Meng. This isprinciple. This is the principlebetween you and me.
郭:行。Guo: I accept it.
刘:行不行? Liu:Yes or no?
Liu: Can you?
Guo: Absolutely not.
刘:你听我说,我就是给你个建议,这是第一。第二,如果你非要搞,王、孟这些人,包括孙,你都不要再提,至于说其他的人你提,我建议你降温,这可不可以。我 觉得我的要求一点不过分,都在情理之中,好不好?咱们不要因为这些事儿。因为什么?大家是不是要解决问题?即使说退一万步讲,就按你刚才说那路径办了,你还这么办。你先抛开我刘某人承受多少压力不谈,这是我个人的事儿,谁让组织上交给我这事儿了,我共产党员,领导组织上赋予我的任务,我就要全力以赴去完成,我不能考虑我个人的得与失。
Liu: Listen to me. I am givingyou a suggestion. This is thefirst one. The second one, if youhave to continue what you aredoing, just leave Wang, Meng,and Sun out. If you want to talkabout others, I suggest you todo it in a less sensational way.Can you do that? I don’t think Iam asking for too much. It isvery reasonable, isn’t it? Don’tlet stuff like this stand in ourway. Why? Are we going tosolve the problem together?Think of it another way If youdon't keep your promise...I amnot going to talk about thepressure I have to take, as it ispersonal. The party has givenme the duties. I am a member ofthe Communist Party. Theleaders assigned me the task. Ihave to try my best toaccomplish it. I can’t consider my own losses and gains I can’tthink about that. Because of myage, I won’t consider my gainsat all. The only thing I shouldconsider is, how much more Iam going to lose? Put theseaside. After I retire, let me tellyou, I want to have a good life. Idon't need to worry aboutmoney. I will go with the flowand live a peaceful life. That’s it.I don’t need anything else. Noexcessive political, financial ordaily needs. Do you understandme? So I am telling you. I don’tcare for myself. What am Itelling you? You claimed to bepatriotic. You support GeneralSecretary Xi. You supportPresident Xi. This is what yousaid, right? So, considering fromthe macro political aspect of thenation I suggest you’d betterkeep your promise.
Guo: I will, definitely. But for theglobal press conference, Ihaven’t promised you anything.
刘:那是 8 月份的事儿。
Liu: It will be held in August.
郭: 8 月份的事儿。
Guo: Yes, in August.
刘:这个还有一个问题,说 8 月份这个事儿, 8 月份之前,要他们把这事儿都解决完了。
Liu: There is still one moreproblem. About this thing inAugust, before August, we haveto get everything settled.
Guo: In this global pressconference, I will let all mediaaround the world...
Guo: I have contacted all ofthem. I have paid a deposit. Iwill make it happen. I am notgiving it up. But I can discussthe content with you.
Liu: If you are really organizingit, maybe I will participate.
Guo: Sure. Everyone iswelcome.
Liu: I will come and see whatyou are going to say. If you stilltalk about what you want, youare a scum.
咱这个事解决,我希望咱们真不是到 8 月份的事儿, 6 月 16 号我们这个财 经会,你得对我这个案件处理,我得有个结果。
Guo: No, Secretary, please.President Xi advocatesgoverning the nation accordingto laws. My disclosure of thescandals of the public security organs doesn’t go against theprinciple of anti-corruption. Theydon’t contradict each other.Third, I will consider sensitiveissues in the Chinese societyand will follow what PresidentXi’s directives. I just want toexpose those who fail to followPresident Xi, Including peoplelike Fu Zhenghua, those corruptofficials in the political and lawsectors and the CentralCommission for DisciplineInspection such as theiroverseas bank accounts andtheir children. I hope we can sortthis out before August. My boardfinancial meeting is going to beheld on June 16. You have todeal with my case, and I needan answer.刘:马上。
Liu: Right away.
可能到 8 月份去了,可能是就这个资产处理。
Guo: I am sure you know how tohandle my staff. Now there’s justthe problem of the assets.Maybe we will need to wait tillAugust to deal with the assets. Ipromise you today that I will letyou know in advance what I amgoing to say at the global pressconference. About Ezubao,Fanya. Not others.
Liu: Do you really understandthe cases of Ezubao andFanya?
Guo: I don’t need to, Secretary.You will understand it after yousee what I have done. Our lawteam will upload all the usefuldocuments validated by theAmerican Government. If not, Iwon’t allow them to submitthem. I am following thedirection of the anti-corruptioncampaign led by President Xi.We have the same goal andmove in the same direction.
Liu: If so, at that time, if you doit, I have to take a look at thecontent first.
Guo: I will inform you first. Ipromise you, Okay?
Liu: Okay. After that you have toadjust your direction.
Guo: Sure. I will adjust. I mighthave been a bit extreme before.I can adjust the content. I musthold the global conference. If Istop it, it will be embarrassing.Things will be morecomplicated.
Liu: I’m telling you. You need towrite a pledge letter.
Guo: No problem. Okay. Willyou make a phone call to letGuo Lijie go home today then?If you do, I will promise you.
Liu: What issue?
Guo: Guo Lijie’s issue.
刘:不是,你说什么? Liu:No. What are you talkingabout?
我是相向而行,你让郭丽杰回家行吗?Guo: The Global PressConference. I will inform youabout the agenda first. I’mwilling to solve our differences.Can you let Guo Lijie go home?刘:可以。
Liu: Sure.
老书记,我说我同意你,我就问你一个事书记,压住这些人对国家有啥好处,又吃又喝的。 一点好处没有,花了多大的钱。 对啊!所以我就纳闷了为什么你们那么愿意干,人家一个年轻的母亲,两个孩子啥事没有你说把人家吓唬那样。
Guo: Let’s not talk aboutanything else. And Ma Nan. Canyou release her on bail?Immediately. She has a 2-year-old child. Her husband wasmaking a fuss yesterday. Old
secretary. I agree with you. I justwant to ask you one thing,Secretary. What good does it doto the country to suppress thesepeople? You need to pay fortheir living cost. No good at all. Ittakes so much money. Yes. So Idon’t understand why you wantto purge such a young mother.Those two kids have nothing todo with this. You scared them somuch.
刘:行了 ,你说的这些情况我全都清楚了。
Liu: Enough. I am pretty clearabout what you’ve told me. I’vetold that the biggest problem ofhis brother (Translator’s note:according to the context, LingJihua is referred here. Ling wastop aide to China’s President HuJitao, and is currently servinglife in prison for corruption) isopposing President Xi.
Liu: So, I definitely won’t allowhim to be here. He’s plotting tobetray the party. I’m telling youthis because I have solidevidence. And let me tell you,his informants have been placedin the Qinzheng Palace(Translator’s note: Office ofPresident Xi).. Do you knowthat?
Guo:Really?Is this true?
Liu: Of course. I wouldn’t say if Ididn’t know. He used his mobilephone. When the GeneralSecretary gets off work,someone has to sort out thefiles. And he was the only onewho had access to the office. Hewould send the information over.There’s a guy called Huo Ke inthe Secretarial Bureau underthe General Office of the CCPCentral Commitee. You knowhim, right?
Guo: I’ve met him. We haddinner twice.
Liu: You see, all of you fuckingare...You... Huo Ke is...
郭:这小子可怎么说? Guo: What about him?
刘:我跟你说霍克官不大,坏蛋那个是那个什么?原来说那个叫军机 处的章京,军机处章京干嘛的,皇上和军机处在议事的时候,那旁边是记录的。 常委会,常委会完了以后。 你们山东老乡有个叫什么,被抓了,两个字?对,我想不起来了,叫啥玩意,就我跟你说这个人岁数大了,就老记不起来,马上他就传出了。
Liu: Huo Ke held a low position.What is that villain called? It waslike the position of Zhang Jing inthe Grand Council in the QingDynasty. What was that positionfor? When the emperor and theCouncil discussed issues,someone would take minutes.So it is like our CCP’s StandingCommittee meeting. After theStanding Committee meeting, aman in Shandong wascaught...what’s his name? Twocharacters. Yes. I can’tremember. What’s his name?When you get old, you alwaysforget things. He leaked the filesimmediately. So, let’s be clear.Whether it involves the directorof the Central United Front WorkDepartment, The files gotleaked. So you know what? Thisis why these people inZhongnanhai are so powerfulpolitically.
Guo: Very scary.
Liu: What is Zhongnanhai? Youshould know Wengui. This iswhere the central headquartersof the CCP is.
Guo: Very scary.
LIU: He (Translator’s note:according to the context, LingJihua is referred here) wanted togather us for a meeting. Hewanted us to be on call anddismissed at any hour. Themeetings could last until 10pm.After the meeting, he would takea little girl to his office and playfor the whole night.
Liu: I am telling the fucking truth.I can name all of them.
Guo: I know there’s a girl fromCCTV.
Liu: CCTV, and some girlsworking at the courtyard, AirChina, Red Police, and evenelevator attendants in the GreatHall of the People.郭:看电梯的都要,这真够有水平。
Guo: Even elevator attendants.What a taste!
Liu: Listen to me. he pickedthem up and sent them backafter he’s done with hisbusiness, and got thempregnant.郭:在协和打掉了 Guo: Then had them abort atthe Concord Hospital.
刘:当时赵玉沛,他知道个屁。一说这是哪位老同志的孩子,恋爱不慎,这事还得保密,明白吗?赵玉沛说中央办公厅主任,中央,他是既是中办主任,又是中央保健委主任,这他们弄出来以后就乱七八糟,就这一 句话说什么是政治上面。
Liu: At that time, Zhao Yupei...He knew fuckingnothing. He said it was an oldcomrade's child. It was anunexpected child. It must bekept confidential. Zhao Yupeisaid... he was both the directorof the Central Office and directorof the Central Public HealthOffice. When they leaked it, itbecame a mess. They’d say thisis a political issue.
Guo: This isyour account.These are rumors?
生活中这样,这么腐败,经济上不好说,他老婆叫什么,谷丽萍,民生银行三年不上班拿 900 多万,一年 300 多万,我们这一年给 300 多万,吃空饷。
Liu: I’m telling you I’m notspreading rumors. This is solidtruth. He’s so corrupt in his life.Let alone economically. What’shis wife called? Gu Liping. Shedidn’t go to work at MinshengBank for three years, but shereceived a salary of over RMB9million. Over RMB3 million ayear. We the government had topay over RMB3 million a yearfor nothing, a ghost payrollscheme.
郭:她那儿子法拉利到底谁买的?Guo: Who bought her son theFerrari?
Liu: Who did? Someone of youHenan folks.
Guo: Who’s from Henan? I’mfrom Shandong, not Henan.
Liu: From a businessman inYuda area. He bought it for him.
Guo: To what purpose?
Liu: There was a middleman.
Guo: It had something to do withWeixin from Peking University,right? That guy did this.
Liu:It was done using his nameand that Henan guy paid themoney.
Liu: The worst thing is...fuck.There were two girls in the car.One was dead and the otherwas disabled? Who paid for thethe medical expenses? Theymade the car owner pay overRMB1 million of medicalexpenses and economiccompensations. Does it makeany sense? Do you understandwhat I’m saying?
郭:这些.. Guo: The money.
Liu: In addition, there wasanother one. I forgot the nameof the president of MinshengBank ...
郭:洪崎。 Guo: Hong Qi.
刘:不是。 Liu: No.
Guo: The one who got arrestedfrom the Central Committee ofthe Communist Youth League.
Liu: The bank was about to IPOin the market. What did they do?You bring some money over,and they put it in the packageand bought IPO and the pricegot doubled after IPO. Thenthey bought back from you. Andit’s done.
Guo: Can make a few dozenmillion in this way?
刘:这加在一起是多少钱,加 Liu: How much is this in total?
Over 100 million. Do you get itnow? He is the guy.
Guo: Do you think this trick isreal?
Liu: It’s real. They announcedthe news. You are talking aboutHuo Ke. He’s such a immoralperson.
Guo: Once Wu Yuliang came toour hotel for dinner. Wu Yuliang.He swaggered around there. Isaid this guy looked like he wasinvincible. You know? I don’t likehim.
那房子至少两百平米,买多少钱,四千多块人民币每平米大约,西单附近,(市价) 4 万(每平米)给你了,凭什么呀?
Liu: Ling Jihua had a mistressfrom Shandong, working at AirChina. She always flew charterflights. He picked her and had aaffairs with her. After that, hewanted to get her a house and aregistered household account inBeijing. For the house, hesought help from the RailwaysMinister, Liu Zhijun. How muchwas the house sold for? Over200 square meter sized house,sold for RMB 4,000 per squaremeter. This house is near Xidan.The market price wasRMB40,000 per square meter.On what ground did they sell toher at such a cheap price?
Guo: Right inside the building ofthe State Council...
Liu: Listen to me. Afterwardsthis fucking Ling Jihua... this girlwas put back onto regularcommercial flight of Air China.She had to fly all the time. Hewanted to sleep with her. Thegirl had to fly to the U.S. Fuck,he wanted her so bad. So, hearranged a position for her tokeep her close by. He let herserve the People’s Congress.But first of all, he had to solveher party membership issue.And she belonged to a categoryof staffing of governmentaffiliated institutions ...which had to be changed togovernment staff status. NowShe became a civil servant. Shewas moved to Beijing. So tellme...
Guo: Didn’t he have somemistresses at hotels too?
Liu: No. He had mistresses inCCTV, Air China and。
Zhongnanhai. The associatedirector of the audio room wasalso one of them. The oneresponsible for the video andaudio recording for the Politburomeetings and StandingCommittee meetings.
Guo: So, if this guy became acentral leader, this countrywould be doomed.
Liu: That’s why they moved himout of Zhongnanhai to work.They have all kinds of videos.Even your cough had beenrecorded. Can you imagine howmany video and audio clips theyhave? Do you think this kind ofthing can be allowed in the US,not to mention in a Communistparty-led socialist country?
Guo: That’s right. Not even inEgypt.
刘:对吧,你就是这种事出来的话,你 总统都得受弹劾,你这不是水门事件。
Liu: If this thing gets leaked,even the president would beimpeached. This would beanother Watergate Incident.郭:绝对的。
Guo: You areabsolutelyright.
刘:是不是,这多大的事儿, 所以我跟你说,有些事你那就是说什么,锦涛.....
Liu: Right? What a big deal. Solet me tell you...What did yousay last time? Jintao.
Guo: Last time, you said that. Itold you what I did. That was foryou.
Liu: You said you invited him(translator’s note: from thecontext, Ling Jihua’s brotherLing Wancheng is referred here,who is currently the U.S.) to thepress conference. You werebullshitting. You are just creatingtroubles for yourself. You have agood intention. You want tocontribute to the country. Yet thethoughts that you’ve come upwith should be abandoned.Okay?
Guo: Okay.
Liu: This is a serious matter.
Guo: For what you have told metoday...
知道吗?要真是行了,有哪几个人当委员长?他那就是管组织的常委, 19 大,就他就管组织,管党务刘云山这一角儿。
你不可能知道,这个角儿一般的都是胡锦涛当过,习主席当过,最后就到了组织部,令计划什么岁数? 1956 年生的。
Liu: It’s hard for me to picture.I’m telling you. If he really plotsto seize power of the party, Idon’t want to work with him. Ifthis really happened, he would appoint somebody to be thechairman of the People’sCongress. He would be theStanding Committee member incharge of the party personnel.At the 19th Party Congress, hewould be in charge of thepersonnel and organization andthe party affairs replacing LiuYunshan who used to beresponsible for the party affairs.You may not know that, thisposition was taken by Hu Jintaoand President Xi. After thistenure, President Xi was thentransferred to the OrganizationDepartment. How old was LingJihua? He was born in 1956.
Guo: He also wanted to be thenext General Secretary.
Liu: He would likely get thepower at the 20th NationalCongress. If so, how about hisentourage?
Guo: Frightful. That’s why Ithought these were just rumors.
Liu: That’s why I’m telling you.On this issue. Jiang Zemin,really, has played a key role likeocean-quieting needle.
Guo: Definitely. So...
Liu: Secondly, Xi was only aStanding Committee memberback then, maintaining hisstrategic power. In the end, thefundamental policy of the centralgovernment and the strategicdeployment of the 18th NationalCongress were accomplished asthe central government wished.Including dealing with Bo Xilaiduring the handover betweentwo leaderships. I was involvedin those issues. The requisite forBo Xilai to enter the StandingCommittee was to be the nextsecretary of the Poli-LegalAffairs Commission.
Guo: He wasn’t a good guy.
Liu: If he became the nextsecretary of the Poli-LegalAffairs Commission. Wang Lijunwould be the next Minister ofPublic Security.
Liu: Do you understand? If thisgroup came into power... youknow about Bo Xilai. Other
things aside, his wife, Ku Kailaiwas so powerful that nobodydared to mess with her. TheBrother Five, Ku Kailai...
Guo: Yes, they used drugs. Sheused drugs with Xu Ming. Theybecame reckless after usingdrugs.
Liu: Those two were just apolitical couple. And he lived areckless immoral life. Thehostess at Dalian TV was sobeautiful before. Do you knowwhat he did to that fortyish lady?She has changedunrecognizable. Besides, whenhe was appointed mayor inDalian, there was a fashionweek going on. The captain ofthe model team was holding atray and scissors to cut ribbon.He slipped a piece of paper withhis phone number into herhands when greeting her. Themodel knew what it meant.When their relationship startedto become intimate, and sheopened a modeling school andbecame the principal. She hadsome grudges against the oldsecretary of Liaoning. This oldsecretary always dined at arestaurant in a fishing village inDalian. The model had retailiateagainst that restaurant ownerbecause she thought thesecretary was close to therestaurant owner. They wentafter those three brothers.
Guo: Killed?
薄熙来的事是2012 年的两会结束之后,我如果没记错的话, 3 月 17 号两会,五一前后这个案子就开始进展了,然后最后这个案子找到这哥俩问这事。
Liu: Listen to me. Afterwards,the two brothers ended up injail. Bo Xilai lost his power afterthe Two Sessions ended in2012. If I am not mistaken, theTwo Sessions was held onMarch 17. The investigationbegan around May 1. Theinvestigators found these twobrothers for questioning. Theydidn’t believe it at first andthought it was another setup forthem. Until someone played theCCTV video, showing that BoXilai was investigated forserious disciplinary offence andsent to the judicial departmentfor prosecution. Only at that timedid these two guys start tellingthe truth. They started crying oneach other’s shoulder.Afterwards, they asked aboutthe third brother, and the onerunning the restaurant. It’s the sister-in-law who was takingcare of the restaurant at thetime.“ Where’s the third brother?Go ask the sister in law.” Theinvestigators went to ask her.She led people to a locked bigrefrigerator in the warehouse.After it was opened, they founda body, squatting.
Guo: How did he die?
Liu: I don’t know. He was killed.His family froze him. Theirsecrets could not go public. I’mtelling you, don’t disclose this.
Guo: Secretary, I’m telling you. Iremember all the criticalinformation. Have I everdisclosed it?
Liu: Let me tell you thesignificance of this case.
GUO:Would I have ended upbeing frozen if I didn't leaveChina?
Liu: Nonsense!
Guo: Seriously. Will you freeze me too?
Liu: You’re fucking bull shitting.I’m telling you. Lijun has beeninvolved in this as well. If theGeneral Secretary didn’t have abig ambition to govern the partystrictly, and if he didn’t takedown Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai,Ling Jihua and Xu Caihou andGuo Boxiong in the army one byone...It would be a disaster. Ourcountry would be a country.These were Mr. Lu Xun’sfamous words.
Guo:Our country woulddefinitely be destroyed. Yourwords further reaffirmed mythoughts. I firmly supportPresident Xi.
刘:我跟你说,所以说 习总书记,我一直在跟你讲,从第一次见面到昨天,我们还在说总书记的四个全面战略布局是非常英明的。
咱到 2020 才能奔小康,小康什么含义,一个人达到 1 万美金,对吧,咱们现在还没到。
Liu: I’m telling you. I’ve alwaystold you from the first time wemet, untill yesterday, I’ve alwayssaid that President Xi’s “FourComprehensives” plan is verywise. Why? The country is sobig. Frankly, it’s big but notstrong. We can only reach well-off state in 2020. What does“well-off” mean? USD10,000 percapita. Right? We haven’treached that benchmark yet.
Guo: USD8,000for now.
刘:到 2020 年咱们才能到 1 万美金。
Liu: We can only reach the levelof USD10,000 by 2020.
郭:一万三, 才到了这个。
Guo: Maybe we can reach USD13,000.
刘:对,因为你 13 亿人口吗,是不是。
你算一个人 1 万美金,这样到 2020 年现在有 7000 万人在贫困线以下,大概今年应该是 5000 万,一年要消费 2000 万元。
到 2020 年把贫困人口消灭完了,不是消灭完了,得把贫困人口都给他扶持上,是吧。
所以就订明全面奔小康,这是我们党到 2020 年,也就是建党一百周年的时候奋斗目标。
Liu: Right. We have apopulation of 1.3 billion. Right?Based on the level ofUSD10,000 per capita, then in2020... Currently, there are 70million people living below thepoverty line. There were about50 million this year. We need toreduce the number by 20 milliona year. So that by 2020, we caneliminate poverty. Not eliminateit, but support people living inpoverty. Right? So thecomprehensive well-off societyis a goal for 2020, which is alsothe 100th anniversary of theparty. This is a general goal forthe short term. The key torealize this goal is to deepenreforms comprehensively.
郭:书记我不想这么做(爆料),我今天跟你说我就不想Guo: Secretary, I don’t want todo whistle blowing. I’m telling这么做,我在伦敦给你说我说傅政华的事情要查,我就不会再说因为没查我才说,就这个事情我再跟你说书记我今天跟你说了,这几位在这来作证。
you. I don’t want to do this. I toldyou in London, I would notexpose any more secrets aslong as Fu Zhenghua wasinvestigated. As there hasn'tbeen any investigation, so Ihave to continue my whistleblowing. I’m telling you,Secretary. All guests here,please be my witness. I havethree requests. I’m waiting foran answer. First, I haveevidence of Wang Qishan andhis family holding huge amountsof illegally acquired HNA shares,overseas real estates, and alsoevidence of his illicitrelationships with women. I willreport to the central committeeof the party. If the centralcommittee provides a safechannel, I’m willing to providethe evidence. Otherwise I willexpose it until the opportunityarises. I am waiting for you totell me how to proceed. Second,besides Wang Qishan, I alsohave information about a fewmembers of the Politburo andthe former Standing Committeemembers who hold largeamounts of assets and illegalfunds and deposits overseasand have illicit sexualrelationships and illegitimatechildren. I want to report to thecentral committee in the spirit ofsupporting President Xi’s anti-corruption campaign. IfPresident Xi promotes them tothe Standing Committee...Iknow two of them will enter theStanding Committee. ThenPresident Xi’s life might be indanger.
Liu: Listen to me.
郭:包括王岐山书记,他也可能还想当总理呢?Guo:Including Secretary WangQishan. He might want tobecome Premier.
Liu: Listen to me. You desire tofulfill your duty as a former PRCcitizen...You said you’re not aPRC citizen anymore, right?Because you said you haveforeign passports. Even so, I willnot recognize them for now, andthe responsibilities and dutiesyou want to perform, I have noright to deny them. I have noright.
郭:但我今天... Guo: But today I...
Liu: My suggestion to youis...My suggestion is, since yourroots are in China, you’re still a中国你还是个中国人,你就是拿过。
Chinese, even if you haveforeign passports.
Guo: I agree with you.
Liu: Yes. You still need toprotect the image of the partyand the nation.郭:这就是为什么你刚才说。
Guo: This is why you just said...
Liu: Protect the image of yourmotherland. Do youunderstand? If this is the case,my idea is the suggestion thatI’ve given you: you can whistleblow through regular and properchannels. Chinese people'sproblems are to be solvedinternally by the Chinesethemselves; you should neverlive a family life and expose thefamily scandals to outsiders.
Guo: When my issues aresolved, I hope the centralgovernment will appoint a fewofficials like you who I trust. Wewill talk about the issues I wantto report and expose, just likewhat we’re doing now. After myissues are solved. Okay? Afterthat, you would consider my action patriotic. I promise thatbefore it goes public, I won’tcontinue until I hear you say,“Guo Wengui, take measures asyou like.” Aren’t I patriotic?
Liu: I think I have expressedmyself clearly.
Guo: I follow you.
Liu: You follow me.
Guo: Today I have fulfilled myobligations. I have beenpatriotic. I’ve told you all.
我们这个小吴记的也行,都记清楚了吧?Liu: I think the topic we talkedabout today is very relaxing.Very good. Especially becausetoday I let you express yourdemands so thoroughly. LittleWu here has done a good job totake them down clearly. Right?
Guo: But to be honest...
Liu:Let me be honest too.Before I came... SecretaryMeng asked me to meet him inhis office. Little Wu knew that.
郭:嗯 Guo: Yes.
Liu: He asked me to meet him inhis office. I was taking the flightat one o’clock the next day. Theprevious afternoon, I met him inthe office. He told me to go andclear it up. Only this path iscorrect. He gave me anexample. You really offendedtoo many people. He gave oneexample. You have exposedMinister Sun who is in charge ofintelligence... and there is XiongGuangkai (translator’s note:Xiong Guangkai is a retiredgeneral of PLA and he directedthe intelligence department ofthe PLA General Staff for manyyears). Why the fuck did youhave to say that? I am cursingyou for exposing this. Iremembered it when the ElderlyMeng brought it up. You said inyour YouTube video that XiongGuangkai is obsessed withstones. What did he do to you todeserve this? You see, XiongGuangkai had been in charge ofintelligence work of the Chinesemilitary for years. He had manyconnections in the US, far morethan you do, includinggovernment, military, privatesector, and with white people,people of color, and theChinese. Right? If I don’t tellyou, you won’t be able to controlyour tongue in the future.
“你有权保持沉默,但你所说的一切都将成为呈堂证供”——米兰达警告。Miranda Warning类似"警告权利"(Right to Silence Warning)或"警告和记录告知"(Caution and Record of Interview)。适用的国家或地区:美国 (United States)、澳大利亚 (Australia)、新西兰 (New Zealand)、孟加拉共和国 (Bangladesh)、加拿大 (Canada)、欧盟 (European Union)、英国和威尔士 (England and Wales)、法国 (France)、德国 (Germany)、荷兰 (Netherlands)、西班牙 (Spain)、香港 (Hong Kong)、以色列 (Israel)、菲律宾 (Philippines)、南非 (South Africa)、瑞士 (Switzerland)、泰国 (Thailand)、乌克兰 (Ukraine)