您可以在喜交所(Himalaya Exchange)网站上赎回喜美元,并将相关款项转回至您的银行账户。
- 登录您的Himalaya Exchange账户
- 点击“钱包”
- 点击“兑换”
- 在屏幕的右方,从“添加银行信息”的下拉选单中选择您的目的地银行
- 在“金额”一栏输入您想兑换的金额。如您希望兑换账户内所有的HDO,只需点击“最大”,即可自动填入“金额”该栏。请注意,出于安全考量,我们设有24小时兑换上限,这意味您将不能在24小时内兑换超过100,000 HDO。
- 点击“兑换”
- 点击“发送代码“,然后输入以短信形式发送至您手机的六位数代码,以验证您的兑换请求。
此外,如您在任何30天内申请兑换的总金额超过$100,000 (以滚动方式计算),您的账户将会受到合规部门的审查。我们将要求您提供在过去90天内发出的地址证明,相关证明文件上显示的地址必须与我们系统上的记录相符。若您计划在任何30天内兑换超过$100,000,请联络我们的客户服务团队,并向我们提交您的地址证明。
- 钱包
- 交易
- 兑换
You can redeem your Himalaya Dollar (HDO), to your bank account from the Himalaya Exchange website.
- Sign into Himalaya Exchange.
- Click on "Wallet."
- Click on "Redeem."
- On the right-hand side of the screen, select your preferred bank from the “Bank Details” drop-down list.
- Enter your redemption amount in the “Amount” box. If you wish to redeem all of your HDO, then simply click “Max” to autofill the “Amount” box. Please note that, for your security and peace of mind, there is a 24-hour limit which means you will not be able to redeem more than 100,000 HDO in any 24-hour period.
- Click on the “Redeem” button.
- Verify your redemption request by clicking “Send Code” then enter the 6-digit code that is sent to your phone by SMS.
Please note there is a $1,000 USD minimum amount requirement and redeem fee will be applied The amount that you receive will be the redemption amount less redeem fee. You can check your recent redeem history on the right-hand side of the page, as well as the status, transaction date, transaction time, amount, currency, fee and transaction ID.
Also, if your total redemption requests exceed $100,000 in any rolling 30 day period, your account will be subject to a compliance review. A document displaying your proof of address, matching the address we have for you in our records, and dated in the last 90 days, will be requested. If you intend to redeem more than $100,000 in any rolling 30 day period, please contact our customer service team with your proof of address.
You can check your entire redemption history by clicking
- "Wallet"
- "Transactions"
- “Redeem”